Stillbirth - Revive The Throne Gold - Colored Vinyl
01. Degraded to Mutilation
02. Revive the Throne
03. Degeneration
04. Mans Tormentor
05. Panem Et Circenses
06. Breed of Bestiality
07. Eating Flesh of the Objector
08. Revolt of the Weak
09. Echoes of the Trumpets
10. Unleash the Mutation
11. Dethrone the King
01. Degraded to Mutilation
02. Revive the Throne
03. Degeneration
04. Mans Tormentor
05. Panem Et Circenses
06. Breed of Bestiality
07. Eating Flesh of the Objector
08. Revolt of the Weak
09. Echoes of the Trumpets
10. Unleash the Mutation
11. Dethrone the King
Department: Media
Band: Stillbirth
Genre: Death Metal, Deathcore, Slam, Tech Metal
Product type: Vinyl
Media label: Unique Leader Records
- Vinyl colours in mockups are not actual representations of vinyl. Actual vinyl colour will vary.
- 180 g
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