Amon Amarth - The Crusher Brown Beige - Marbled Vinyl
01. Bastards of a lying breed
02. Masters of war
03. The sound of eight hooves
04. Risen from the sea (2000)
05. As long as the raven flies
06. A fury divine
07. Annihilation of hammerfest
08. The fall through ginnungagap
09. Releasing surtur's fire
01. Bastards of a lying breed
02. Masters of war
03. The sound of eight hooves
04. Risen from the sea (2000)
05. As long as the raven flies
06. A fury divine
07. Annihilation of hammerfest
08. The fall through ginnungagap
09. Releasing surtur's fire
Department: Media
Band: Amon Amarth
Genre: Death Metal, Metal
Product type: Vinyl
Specials: Limited
Media label: Metal Blade Records
- Vinyl colours in mockups are not actual representations of vinyl. Actual vinyl colour will vary.
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