Falun – this magical city in the heart of Sweden, surrounded by idyllic forests and deep blue lakes, emerges more and more as a creative center for ambitious and talented young bands. Is it in the water? Is it in the air? No one knows. But it remains a fact that Falun is the glorious birthplace of some of the most promising and hottest acts on this planet. After spawning acts like SABATON, TWILIGHT FORCE, CIVIL WAR or BILLION DOLLAR BABIES, Falun has a new up-and-coming crew in stock: Forget everything you thought to know, because FOLLOW THE CIPHER are ready to herald a new musical era and crash through the different dimensions of our universe to steal your breath. Despite their stylistic diversity, the Swedish metal act creates a stunning overall concept, mixing a first-class sound with magical charisma, an innovative concept, live presence and an incredibly talented singer.
Welcome on board
The CIPHER Crew consists of five talented members: Linda Toni Grahn; a fantastic, eye-catching singer with long pinkish red hair and emerald eyes, equipped not only with a powerful and characteristic voice, but also outstanding charisma. When entering the stage, all it takes are a few seconds for Linda to capture everyone’s attentio, Ken Kängström (guitar) remembers the first meeting with their female captain of the CIPHER workforce. Other crew members include Karl Löfgren (drums), Victor Carlsson (guitar) and Jonas Asplind (bass).
Long story short, the CIPHER Crew is more than ready to take you on an exciting journey through the darkest galaxies of metal. Are you ready to join them? It's time to open a new chapter of heavy metal history – it's time to FOLLOW THE CIPHER!